Omid Alipoor

Real Estate Broker | Investor

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About Omid

Portland-based real estate broker and investor here.

My journey started with property flipping - acquiring, renovating and selling nearly a hundred homes across the Portland metro.

This hands-on experience honed my skills in deal analysis, negotiation, project management, and market valuation.

I'm passionate about real estate and finance, always eager to discuss the industry.

I'm married, recently welcomed my first child, have lived on the west side of Portland since '97.

Here to share my thoughts and experiences on real estate.

Looking forward to sparking conversations with those of you already in the business of owning real estate as well as those looking to jump in. / 971.227.0434

Omid Alipoor
By Omid Alipoor 30 Jul, 2024
If someone had told me in early 2022, when mortgage rates were below 3%, that rates would jump over 120% in the next twelve months, I would have expected home prices to crash. We had just packed a decade of price gains into two years, so a correction seemed inevitable. As it turns out, rates did more than double, climbing from under 3% to over 7% in just over a year. That is what I'd consider a violent move in rates. So, did home prices crash? Not at all. Today, Portland’s housing market still hovers within ~5% of the all-time highs from early 2022, when rates were below 3%. I would have laughed at anyone predicting this back then. It’s wild how resilient the housing market has been despite extreme financial pressures. The stock market crashed, crypto plunged, and the bond market faltered. Yet, residential real estate remained almost untouched. Here are the facts that contributed: We've been under-building new homes to keep up with new household formations. Due to a variety of reasons (a topic for another day) 2. We have a severe shortage of housing inventory for sale • In 2007, there were 4 million active listings. Today, we have 1.32 million 3. Over 40% of US homes are owned outright, and many of the rest are financed at historically low rates (thanks to widespread refinancing when rates dropped) 4. No major credit stress in housing like we saw in 2007 • In 2007, there was significant credit stress. In 2024, there is none The housing market has shown remarkable resilience in the face of a pretty extreme stress test. Despite the unprecedented shifts in mortgage rates and broader financial turbulence, the fundamental strengths of the housing market—low inventory, low credit stress, and substantial home equity—have kept prices stable. As we move forward, these factors suggest that while the market may face challenges, its foundation remains strong.
By Omid Alipoor 30 Jul, 2024
The cap rate is widely misunderstood in the real estate world. When it comes to value-add deals, a low going-in cap rate is not necessarily worse (or better) than a much higher one. Cap rates on their own do not tell you much about whether a particular deal is a good real estate investment or not. A 12 cap can easily wipe you out, a 3 cap can be the deal of a lifetime. The professional buyers understand this when looking at deals. Hobby buyers not so much. As an example: The 12 cap could come with a tenant that has a high risk of leaving (single-tenant building or anchor tenant). And the 3 cap could have a clear value-add path to get to a 10 cap by doing major renovations and marking rents to market (now that would be a homerun). So as you can see cap rates are largely irrelevant in the value-add real estate world. You’re buying real estate, not a cap rate.
By Omid Alipoor 04 Jun, 2024
This is a major life hack I wish I knew about before I started to acquire rentals. When your property is empty, schedule a "Matterport" photographer to do a 3D scan of the interior. It's only 300 bucks and it can save you a ton of headaches in the future. This is an even more valuable tool if it's a property you're doing a major renovation to. By doing a 3D Matterport scan of the interior, you get the following benefits: • If you do it pre-renovation, you'll be able to see where everything is behind the walls. All the pipes, wires, fixtures, studs, beams, etc. This can come in handy later on. • Having one lets you digitally roam the bones of your home. How cool is that? You click a few buttons and you're inside of your property remotely with ability to roam around throughout the whole house. I'm doing it on all of mine moving forward.
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